Finance Questions

  • Our main fundraiser is wrapping up this week. Most of our board members work during the day and I wasn’t sure if there was a rule about who is actually allowed to count money. Can volunteers who are not on the board help?     ~Submitted by Kathy Davenport

All revenue and receipts must be counted and deposited in the bank immediately after the completion of an activity. Two PTA members, one of whom should be a financial officer or a chairman/board member, must count the monies received. The people counting the money shall not be related by blood or marriage, or reside in the same household. Do not publicize the place where money is to be counted.

Have all those involved in counting money verify the total and sign the deposit money count.  What rules did you guys put in place?    Some schools use a form and other make copies of checks and receipts and give to the chairman to document his/her activity. The totals must match the monies deposited for the activity.

The treasurer or financial secretary shall deposit the money immediately in the bank. If immediate deposit or night drop is not possible, plan for the safekeeping of money until it is deposited in the bank. For ongoing fundraisers or when money is coming in daily, the money must be deposited daily in the PTA’s bank account.

Never deposit any money in anyone’s personal account or in the school account. Never leave money unattended, in someone’s home or in the trunk of a car.

Simple procedures for counting money can keep the PTA safe and ensure accurate reporting of receipts to the membership. If money is collected when the banks are not open, make plans with the bank for a night deposit or with the school principal to use the school safe. Be sure that the amount is documented prior to depositing it in the school safe or lockbox. The documented deposit should be placed in a sealed envelope signed by a school administrator and verified by two authorized PTA representatives. Each party handling the money should count, sign and receive a copy of the Cash Verification form or deposit slip.                        ~State Treasurer